On Thursday, October 17, 2013 at Pine Manor College from 6—8 PM, Rob Greenly, noted organizational development consultant and executive coach, discussed how physicians and other healthcare professionals can successfully lead innovation and change in today’s rapidly changing, highly regulated environments such as healthcare delivery, biotech, medical devices and biopharma.
Mr. Greenly presented a model for understanding effective physician leadership and drew upon his personal experience in major organizations such as Boston Scientific, MIT’s Sloan School of Management, Astra Pharmaceuticals—USA, and Putnam Investments and his considerable experience as a consultant to leading healthcare and pharmaceutical corporations.
Often the self-concept necessary to be a successful physician is a barrier to success as a leader of innovation and change,” stated Greenly. “It’s important to use specific strategies to help physicians shift their perspectives and behaviors in order to effectively lead complex organizations in times of change.”
Mr. Greenly used case studies of successful physician/innovators and recent executive interviews to highlight the implications for those who want to help physicians transition from the bedside to the boardroom. He is a Harvard and Yale trained certified senior executive coach, leadership consultant and management training expert who has held senior management positions in major corporations and who served as Director of Leadership at the MIT Sloan School of Management.
Rob Greenly is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) with advanced training as a Certified Physician Development Coach. He was nominated by the International Coach Federation, New England, as 2013 Executive Coach of the Year, and he is the first Harvard College graduate to be elected President of the Yale Club of Boston
This informative presentation was hosted by the Massachusetts Bay Organizational Development Learning Group and was held at the President’s Dining Room at the Rosemary Ashby Campus Center at Pine Manor College, 400 Heath Street, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts
For more information about this talk or to schedule Rob as a speaker, please contact info @ greenlygroup.com